Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Trying to Stay Busy

I am desperate for a job, and this whole waiting game is driving me nuts! I had one interview and I am waiting to get called for a second interview. Scott and Heidi are both working on finishing an online BYU class, Steve is at his internship and I... I am bored out of my mind. There is only so many times that you can clean the apartment.

Last week my visiting teachers came by. I explained how bored I was and how I have nothing to do. I also mentioned that I wanted to paint a part of my kitchen with blue/white chevron. I won't forget the look they gave me, like, "You were just complaining about not having anything to do, why haven't you painted it yet?" It was the kick in the butt that I needed, why was I sitting around complaining when I had a project I wanted to do and I had time to do it? The next day I had it all taped and ready to go. Here is how it turned out. 





  1. Amber, that paint is adorable! Good job!

  2. Those are awesome! So- if you have nothing to do- why haven't you called or skyped?!?

  3. Haha didnt mean to make you feel guilty... lol. But it looks fantastic. I love it!
